Tinnitus is a hearing condition that plagues millions of Americans every day. If you want to understand what it is like living with tinnitus, try to imagine a bee buzzing or a bell ringing in your ear at random… Read More
Archive for the ‘Tinnitus’ Category
Tips for Sleeping with Tinnitus
Sleeping with tinnitus can be difficult and needless to say, exhausting. As we’ve discussed before, tinnitus is a disconcerting ear condition that typically manifests as a loud, persistent ringing sound. Because of this constant noise, it can be extremely challenging… Read More
Tips for Living with Tinnitus
If you hear a constant ringing in your ears, you may be among the millions of Americans living with tinnitus. Aging, loud noises, and certain medications can all contribute to damaging our hearing apparatus and causing this phenomenon. Sometimes tinnitus… Read More